Meet the microbes

Exploiting the taxonomical classification

Microbes, also known as microorganisms, encompass an array of microscopic life forms, spanning domains and phyla and including viruses, prokaryotes (archae and bacteria), protists (single-celled eukaryotes such as single-celled fungi, algae, and protozoans) and multicellular fungi and microscopic metazoans (such as nematodes).

Blue de ciel, Kandinskij

Analogous to the systematic grouping of flora and fauna, microbes are subject to a meticulous classification system that aids in comprehending their intricate diversity. This classification involves various hierarchical levels, each denoting degrees of relatedness:


The pinnacle of classification, dividing microbes into three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya


Within Eukarya, microbes further diverge into distinct kingdoms. An instance is the Fungi Kingdom, which encapsulates fungi.


Kingdoms are subdivided into phyla, congregating organisms with shared traits.

Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

These tiers intensify in specificity. The amalgamation of genus and species constitutes the scientific name of a microbe

Microbial domains

Microbial domains

Bacteria: Unicellular entities manifesting diverse forms and behaviors, pervading every conceivable niche on Earth.

Archaea: Resembling bacteria, archaea inhabit extreme milieus such as hydrothermal vents and acidic terrains.

Fungi: Includes heterotrophic eukaryotes organisms that usually live as multicellular filaments (called hyphae), which form a mycelium while other species live as unicellular (the yeasts), they devoid of chlorophyll, with chitinous cell walls, and produces spores. 

Viruses: distinctive entities straddling the living and non-living domains, consist of genetic material encased in a protein shell. Unlike conventional life forms, viruses necessitate host cells for replication.

Despite their diminutive size, microbes wield monumental impact. They partake in nutrient cycling, edibles production, medical applications, and even bodily well-being. Scrutinizing microbes unveils their multifaceted diversity and intricate influence.

Intrigued by the symbiotic bacteria within us, the yeast shaping bread, or the viruses provoking our immune systems? Navigate the expanse of microbial marvels on our website.

Embark on an academic odyssey through the microscopic universe, exploring diverse microbes, their attributes, and the trailblazing research animating this scholarly realm.